Making money off a blog is not always easy. There are many steps you must take in order to start making money from your blog. You need to create a blog that is of interest to lots of people. The more specialist the blog is, the less traffic you may get but the less competition you will have so it is vital to get the level right.
Your blog needs to have lots of posts on and be updated regularly to keep people interested. Try and find a niche subject that is going to appeal to the masses but isn’t already overdone. Make sure you add at least a few new posts every week but ideally a new one every day.
Make sure that you promote your blog. You may do this through social media sites such as Facebook or Twitter. This will allow to you get more traffic to the site. Once you have started getting a decent amount of traffic to the blog, you can then look at selling advertising space. You may have to start off by doing this relatively cheaply and then increasing your prices as the hits to your blog start to increase. You should use a advertising package that allows the advertisers to see how many times their ad has been shown and clicked on.