Branded literature and signage can help grow your business

If you are self employed or have a relatively small business then you need to think of ways in which you can grow your business that doesn’t cost the earth. You need to try and ensure that you are utilising every marketing opportunity that you possibly can and one way in which you can do that is through business cards, flyers and sign age.

If you use a van for work then you may want to get it sign written. This can cost a fair amount and you cannot have it removed to put on to another vehicle if you change vans. A cheaper way to do this would be to purchase magnetic strips that can be added and removed to the vehicle whenever you want. This only cost around £40 for a pair and they can then act as advertising for you when parked up or when driving around.

Business cards and flyers are another way to get your company recognised. Try and keep all your literature the same in terms of your logo and colour ways. Hand out a business card to any customer you do work for and try and put one up on a local notice board or even post them through a few letter boxes.